This document gives the CEC's constitution and by-laws as they were in 1971. There may have been subsequent amendments.

(Including all amendments as of June 17, 2008)

ARTICLE I. Name and Object

The Association shall be called the Cambridge Entomological Club, and its object shall be to cultivate the study of entomology by holding regular meetings and by the publication of a journal containing technical articles on insects and related arthropods.

ARTICLE II. Election of Members

Members may be chosen at any regular meeting, after nomination, in writing, by two members at a preceding meeting; the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary.

ARTICLE III. Rights of Members

All members of the club shall be entitled to vote and hold office.

ARTICLE IV. Officers

The officers shall be a President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Psyche, and an Executive Committee of seven, of which the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor shall be members ex officiis. The two additional members of the Executive Committee shall be elected with the other officers. The Editorial Board of Psyche shall be composed of members of the Club designated annually by the Editor.

ARTICLE V. Election of Officers

Officers shall be elected at a meeting designated for the purpose; at least three weeks advance notice of election shall be given and a majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient for a choice.

ARTICLE VI. Amendments

The Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any regular meeting of the Club, after a written proposition presented at a preceding meeting or at least three weeks in advance of the meeting at which the changes are to be considered.


In the event of dissolution of the Cambridge Entomological Club, all of its assets are to become the property of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College and are to be used at the discretion of the Curators of the Insect Collections. In the event the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College refuses to accept assets upon dissolution , they will be distributed for general charitable purposes to organizations which are qualified under section 50l(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or as amended.

(Including all amendments as of June 17, 2008)

ARTICLE I. Members

Regular members are those elected to membership as specified in the Constitution, Article II. Any member may become a Life Member on the payment of $50 in one sum to the Treasurer of the Club in lieu of annual dues. Members who have performed signal services for the Club may be elected Honorary Members.


The annual dues for all members shall be $25, except for full-time (or other bona fide) students, for whom annual dues are $5. Honorary Members shall also be exempt from dues. A delay of one year in the payment of the annual assessment shall be understood as notification of the intent of the member to withdraw from membership.

ARTICLE III. Meetings and Proceedings

Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month from October to June; departures from this regular schedule of meetings may be ordered by the Executive Committee or by the members at a preceding meeting. Five members shall form a quorum for business. Officers shall be elected a t the May meeting and at this meeting the retiring President shall ordinarily give an address suitable for the occasion and the Secretary present a written report of the annual activities of the Club.

ARTICLE IV. Publications.

The publication of the Club is to be known as: Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. The general character of this publication shall be determined by the Club; the Editor, with the advice of the members of the Editorial Board shall have the responsibility of supervising the content and the printing of the journal. The annual subscription price for the journal is to be determined by the Executive Committee and the members of the Editorial Board of Psyche. Issues of the journal are to be sent without charge to all members who pay the annual assessment and to all Honorary Members and Life Members.

ARTICLE V. Duties of Officers

The duties of the President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer shall be those ordinarily required of such officers. The Executive Committee of seven shall be the governing board of the Club in the intervals between the meetings, and shall act on behalf of the Club in all matters of finance.

ARTICLE VI. Amendments

The By-Laws of the Club may be altered, added to, or amended by a majority vote of the members present at any meeting; provided that they shall have been duly notified, at a preceding meeting or by written notice three weeks i n advance of the meeting of the proposed meeting, of the intended change.